Originally the car was given the F150 tag to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. However, Ford said this infringed its copyright because it has produced the best-selling F-150 pickup for a number of years. Subsequently, Ferrari said it would rename its new car the F150th Italia, and Ford yesterday revealed that it has abandoned plans to sue for breach of copyright.
But just when it appeared the matter was over, Ferrari has opted for another re-brand.
“In order to avoid the slightest risk though of anyone confusing a Formula 1 car with a pick-up truck, the men from Maranello have decided that the car will lose the F that precedes the number 150,” said Ferrari in its official blog.
“It appears that this could have caused so much confusion in the minds of the consumer across the pond that, at the same time as losing the F, the name will be completely Italianised, replacing the English ‘th’ with the equivalent Italian symbol.
“Therefore the name will now read as the Ferrari 150° Italia, which should make it clear even to the thickest of people that the name of the car is a tribute to the anniversary of the unification of our country. Let’s hope the matter is now definitely closed.”
See more pictures of the Ferrari