Richard Hammond has an iPhone app!

It’s long been an interview question for young aspirants hoping to penetrate Top Gear HQ – can you distinguish a Chevrolet Spark from a Daihatsu Materia at close range?
If so, then your unique gifts could finally be put to good use. Hammond has been beavering away in a high-end technology lab for the last few months, and the results are here: Hamster’s Car Spotter.
In it, pictures of cars in tantalising close-up will appear on your mePhone. All you have to do is guess what car that particular bit belongs to, from a choice of four. The longer you spend guessing, the easier the pictures will become – and the less points you win. The shame!
After every correct guess you’ll have the option to shake your iPhone to bank the points, or not shake it, guess the next one correctly and double your points. You get the idea. Having been playing it all morning, we’re ashamed to admit that we can’t overtake ‘judgeyc’ on the leaderboard. Hopefully you’ll have better luck.

You can buy the app here, or watch a poorly animated Richard Hammond explain the brain-busting game below.
Hamster's Car Spotter Support
iPhone Screenshot 1

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