Merrily sipping gin on the way to the North Pole in a Hilux. Beating Swedish snowmobilers to the bottom of a mountain in a VW Dakar Touareg. Firing Minis off a ski-jump in Norway.
Top Gear has always had a more genial relationship with snow than is normal for a British institution. So while the entire country threatens to shut down again in the next few days under 3cm of light powder, console yourself with all these pretty moments we've dug up of cars. And snow. In perfect harmony.
If it's more practical advice you're after, here's some advice on the best motors for sliding around B-roads. Or you might like to read about the time JC first got his hands on a 458 Italia. And it snowed. Or perhaps just turn up the heating and play games all day. That's what most of the country will be doing.

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