
Top Gear USA – episode two this weekend

It’s a rather unremarkable – if cold – weekend in November for us here in the UK. However, we understand that over the pond you’re going to be giving thanks through the medium of food. Lots of it.
So while that big bird is marinading in your stomach, don’t forget that Sunday at 10/9c is the second ever episode of Top Gear USA on the History Channel.
In this week’s episode, presenter Tanner races an Evo against two skiers down a mountain in Alaska; Routledge finds out if Aston Martin has solved a horsepower problem in the new Vantage; and Adam joins them in a massive drifting competition (featuring cheating, by all accounts).
Dominic Monaghan (him out of Lost) represents our side of the pond on the Top Gear track.
If you missed the first one, you can watch it on the History Channel website right here. As long as you’re in America, that is. It’s also available for free on the Playstation Network, apparently.
The rest of us will have to wait until it makes it outside the US borders: we’ll keep you up to date on that.
Let us know what you think of this week’s episode below as usual, and have a good Thanksgiving weekend. It’s been a bit of a sad day in Britain for fans of turkey, so make sure you roast up a good one in memory of our dear old Bernard.

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