Most Australian garages contain a Holden ute, a dead cow and at least 14 barbecues. This one contains a Tumbler...

But what prompts someone to build something they've only ever seen in a movie and that might just have been dreamt up by a geek in front of a computer? Hodgson explains: "Um, it was a total accident. We put a picture of the Tumbler onto our website to suggest we could build other types of movie-related cars. You know; no job too big, no job too small. We never thought, not in a million years, that anyone would ever ask us to build one of these things." But someone called their bluff.
For years, Hodgson, and his partner in movie-car-making, Gordon Hayes, have been making an almost-living from building replica Mad Max Interceptors. In fact, when it comes to the Interceptor, these boys are considered demi-gods.

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Dealing in Real Estate (Turkey.Pakistan.Malaysia.Dubai)
For Contact: mustakeem@gmail.com Cell # +9(0531)9204077
Location : Istanbul / Lahore